Paper works by prof.kuang Xu & ji xu (Father and daughter) and kong kun

pay for two art works and receive three!  special offer ! 2,800.00€

Ji Xu's drawings captivate with their intense and almost color-intensive use of wet ink. Like color landscapes, light and dark rise on paper. Color palettes are harmoniously combined and produce high-contrast nests, as evolved from the color worlds of nature. The tangled braids look like ramifications of the foliage of trees, but also suggest the comparison to mountain ranges and flowing-bubbling waters. Here, too, a dynamic in the sense of "Qi", a certain natural life of its own, becomes visible, symbolizing Ji Xu's very special view of the landscape with all its facets. (Gallery Frank Schlag, Essen-Germany)

BAMBOO  by JI XU ink and colours on paper (1963-2014) 65x33cm 1,400.00€
BAMBOO by JI XU ink and colours on paper (1963-2014) 65x33cm 1,400.00€

"BAMBOO"  by JI XU (1963-2014) ink and colours on paper (1963-2014) 65x33cm 1,400.00€

Wilderness N°23 by Ji Xu ink and colours on paper 50x39cm 1.680,00€ incl.frame

Red Abstraction by JI XU (1963-2014) 65x33cm ink and colours on paper price 1,200.00€
Red Abstraction by JI XU (1963-2014) 65x33cm ink and colours on paper price 1,200.00€

"Red Abstraction" by JI XU (1963-2014) 65x33cm ink and colours on paper price 1,200.00€

paper works by ji xu (1963-2014)

BLUE MEDITATION by JI XU 48x69cm colours on paper ,unsigned ,special offer 1,880.00€
BLUE MEDITATION by JI XU 48x69cm colours on paper ,unsigned ,special offer 1,880.00€

Paper works  by Kong Kun (1940-1968)

                                                                      Special offer  each one is 25x45 cm                                                                                                                                                       price for one 888,00€


                              Kong Kun was a wonderful painter from Hefei ,Province Anhui in China .

                              He died too early in the years of 1968.

                              Here you can see some of his wonderful  and extraordinary portraits drawings .



                                               breastfeeding mother/" Stillende Mutter " von Kong Kun 25x40cm (1940-1968) Aquarell auf Papier                                                                                                              888,00€

this painter was really incredible talented .here some works of him and i have the honor to have over all about 40 pieces.

you love one of these ,please feel free and contact us!

                                                                                           PAPER WORKS  by Ji Xu (1963-2014)

Ji Xu‘s Zeichnungen bestechen durch ihren intensiven sowie farblich beinahe exzessiven Einsatz der nassen Tusche. Wie Farblandschaften erheben sich Hell und Dunkel auf dem Papier. Farbpaletten werden harmonisch kombiniert und ergeben kontrastreiche Nester, wie aus den Farbwelten der Natur entsprungen. Die wirren Geflechte wirken wie Verästelungen des Blattlaubs von Bäumen, legen aber auch wieder den Vergleich zu Gebirgszügen und fließend-sprudelnden Gewässern nahe. Auch hier wird eine Dynamik im Sinne des „Qi“, ein gewisses natürliches Eigenleben sichtbar, das die ganz besondere Sicht Ji Xu’s auf die Landschaft mit all ihren Facetten versinnbildlicht. (Galerie Frank Schlag , Essen-Germany)



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"Camouflage" by JI XU 61x40cm ink and colours on paper / price : 1,200.00€
"Camouflage" by JI XU 61x40cm ink and colours on paper / price : 1,200.00€

"camouflage" by JI XU 61x40cm ink and colours on paper / price : 1,200.00€ Special offer

"In theSky" by JI XU  64,5x 49,5 cm colours on paper / price: very special offer!!!! Only 999,00€
"In theSky" by JI XU 64,5x 49,5 cm colours on paper / price: very special offer!!!! Only 999,00€

"in the Sky" by JI XU  64,5x 49,5 cm colours on paper / price: very special offer!!!! Only 999,00€

scrolling works by Huang Yonghou, prof. kuang xu, ji xu, kong kun

Rollbilder -eine einzigartige kunst aus china ,die noch mehr gefördert werden muss.Hier einige meisterwerke dieser kunst.

ink scrollings are unique art works coming from china.which deserve even more you can see a few of those art works.

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